I’m not the same, far from the man I was before the turmoil that became my life. It almost seems like the man I was just a couple of months back, is gone. I’ve tried everything, I’ve been everywhere, I’ve done all the things in my power… and all of them fail.
The journey hasn’t always been easy and I truly believe I’m going to get back on track. But that… seems to be a long way from where I stand.
I guess, all that’s left is for me to continue doing what I’m doing and hope, that one match… turns things around.
“MJ Bell… a fiery read ‘ead with a penchant for gold. It almost seems like the universe’s settin’ me up here.
You see, MJ, even if this match is of the utmost importance, because it will prove to that bitch upstairs that THEY NEED US… WE DON’T NEED THEM… ‘am seein’ this match as a sparrin’ opportunity.
Not that you’re a bad opponent, on the contrary. It’s because you’re so good an’ you ‘ave history bein’ in blood filled matches, that I see this match as the perfect opportunity for me.
A couple of days after our match in the UK… I face ‘nother fiery red ‘ead in Ash Scion. Who like you, has a penchant for gold an’ ‘ave history with violent matches. You see the parallels ‘ere?
So to me, this match… this specific match… is important, not for the reasons many will make ‘bout it… not for the significance it could have… no… it’s important ‘cause of what it represents.
I’ve been ‘avin’ doubts ‘bout myself for the last couple of weeks. I’ve been thinkin’ that I shouldn’t ‘ave come back to the fold, as a Kaiser will tell you time an’ time again.
Our match, for as low as it is on the card… for as low as it puts us on the UKWF pedestal… helps on that regard. If I win… I prove to myself that I can do what ‘am settin’ myself up to do… an’ that’s… beatin’ the disgrace that is Ash Scion…. If I lose… then I know there’s a lot of work to do on my game.
Either way you see it, one thin’ remains the same… I will prove somethin’. That somethin’ bein’ in my favor or not it’s where you come in.
You my fiery red ‘ead frien’ serve a very important role in this story. ‘Cause you, are gonna be the catalyst for whatever I may do in the days followin’ our match.
Now, concernin’ that match in itself… Stella will learn… WHY ‘Am the LAST OF MY FUCKIN’ KIN’…. An’ you… my firy read ‘ead amiga… are one of the best in the world.
New Management… SAME OL’ SHIT!”